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Discounts are offered for candidates running for state and local offices, as well as candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups.



One of the best ways to fight the Trump regime is to run for office.  You've probably heard of the importance of data, and maybe you've seen VAN while working or volunteering on a campaign.  Data Diva can help you learn the basics of VAN, assist with setup, answer questions, and create reports.




Data Help for Candidates of all Experience Levels

Are you a new candidate?  Running for office for the first time? Have heard of VAN, or even seen it, but don't know how to use it?

Maybe you're a campaign staffer who's looking for work, and you want some more VAN skills to make you a more valuable potential hire.





buffy targets

buffy targets

mail merge

mail merge

act blue

act blue

Cut Turm

Cut Turm



Work Map

Work Map

2016 Cartogram

2016 Cartogram



Step-by-step webinars that show you how to make a list of voters you want to talk to, set up a phone bank, print lists, do data entry, use MiniVAN, sync data from MiniVAN, and any other skills you need.  Documentation of the skills we cover will be provided afterwards as a reference.


Maps can help clarify data, let you see patterns, and help you make plans.  Data Diva can create maps for you with things like district lines, precinct lines, major roads, party makeup, and even have a Google map in the background.  Maps can be made in any size, from a regular piece of paper to a 3x3 wall hanging. Maps are sent online and can be printed at a local Kinko's if you don't have a color printer.

Fundraising Help

Data Diva can help with cleaning lists, assembling mail merges, setting up ActBlue, and other data tasks involved in fundraising.



Make sure your ads are seen by exactly the right people. Data Diva can target and run your Facebook ads, including setting up multiple ads and finding which ones are most effective.


Do you need work done in Excel?  It could be creating a mail merge for a fundraising letter, making an offline report, or cleaning up a document from your county clerk.  Data Diva has years of practice getting VAN and Excel to work together.

Get in Touch

VAN Administration

Setting up Survey Questions, Activist Codes, creating reports, all of it can seem pretty intimidating. Data Diva can do that setup for you, with permission of your State Party VAN admin.

Get in Touch
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